Drip Marketing
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Who should we correspond with about this job?
Agent Name
Social Media posting to all social media platforms (facebook, X, LinkedIn) 2 times per week $300/mo - includes 1 blog/news post that link back to website
Weekly Tips - $150/mo
Holiday / office hour email - $55
Holiday / office hour social posts - $35
White paper download (should be combined with weekly tips for highest ROI) $250
Google My Business set up & optimization $135
Upload Your Email List (First Name and Last Name should be in separate columns)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Is your facebook BUSINESS page already set up?
To set up your business presence on Facebook, we’ll need access to the login credentials for your PERSONAL Facebook account. Please provide your username and password below. If you do not know your username & password, Mel will be in touch to get access.
We’ll need access to your PERSONAL Facebook account to set ourselves up as administrators. Please provide your username and password below. If you do not know your username & password, Mel will be in touch to get access.
Is your LinkedIn BUSINESS page already set up?
To set up your business presence on LinkedIn, we’ll need access to the login credentials for your PERSONAL LinkedIn account. Please provide your username and password below. If you do not know your username & password, Mel will be in touch to get access.
We’ll need access to your PERSONAL LinkedIn account to set ourselves up as administrators. Please provide your username and password below. If you do not know your username & password, Mel will be in touch to get access.
Is your Twitter business page already set up?
What is the Twitter username & password?
File Upload - Please attach any photos/links/maps that you would like us to incorporate
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Should we bill the Revolution directly and use seminar credits? Please note that the Revolution pays IMMEDIATELY, so if you would like to review the invoice first, select NO. Once billing is set up this way, the Revolution will be billed EVERY TIME until you tell us otherwise.
Who is your seminar coordinator?
I acknowledge that payment is due within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. After 90 days of non-payment, a penalty of 10% interest, accrued monthly, will incur. After 180 days, Revolution Media will cease to conduct business with me and may report the debt to a collection agency.
I acknowledge that payment is due within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. After 90 days of non-payment, a penalty of 10% interest, accrued monthly, will incur. After 180 days, Revolution Media will cease to conduct business with me and may report the debt to a collection agency.
($2400 Value!)
Cookie Cutter
*Needed for Webinars & Digital Marketing
Assistance Repointing Domain Name
7- Page Templated Website
$1000 One-Time Design/Setup Fee
$300/year for website hosting and $120/year for Smart Plugin Manager, prorated until November and billed in full every November.
$10 Maintenance Per Month (Paid by The Revolution for producers over $5 million) Billed Annually
Services Not Included But Available For Extra Charge:
Logo Design Or Logo Rework $150 - $350
Assistance With Email Setup / Transfer: $135 Per Hour
Blog Posting of E-Newsletter / $135 Per Hour
($6500 Value!)
10-12 Page Website
SEO: Google / Yoast / Best Practices Copywriting
Assistance Repointing Domain Name
Interviews: What Makes You Unique? Includes Interviews & Copywriting for Bios
$4500 One-Time Design/Setup Fee + Stock Photography
$300/year for website hosting and $120/year for Smart Plugin Manager, prorated until November and billed in full every November.
$10 Maintenance Per Month (Paid by The Revolution for producers over $5 million) Billed Annually
Services Not Included But Available For Extra Charge:
Logo Design Or Logo Rework $150 - $350
Assistance With Email Setup / Transfer: $135 Per Hour
Blog Posting of E-Newsletter / $135 Per Hour
Access To Account Logins (Allianz, American Equity Etc.)
Client Portal & Leave A Review Page
Seminar Registration / Client Events Calendar
($8500 Value!)
High Level
10-12+ Page Website
SEO: Google / Yoast / Best Practices Copywriting
Assistance Repointing Domain Name
Interviews: What Makes You Unique? Includes Interviews & Copywriting for Bios
$6500 One-Time Design/Setup Fee + Stock Photography
$300/year for website hosting and $120/year for Smart Plugin Manager, prorated until November and billed in full every November.
$10 Maintenance Per Month (Paid by The Revolution for producers over $5 million) Billed Annually
Services Not Included But Available For Extra Charge:
Logo Design Or Logo Rework $150 - $350
Assistance With Email Setup / Transfer: $135 Per Hour
Blog Posting of E-Newsletter / $135 Per Hour
Access To Account Logins (Allianz, American Equity Etc.)
Client Portal & Leave A Review Page
Seminar Registration / Client Events Calendar
Quick Links
Providence, RI
(512) 297-0805
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